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Heart of America

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      Heart of America
      Blue District KSDA
The History of Square
      Dancing in Missouri
Central District History
      From The "Central
      Missouri" Website
      By Judy Pottinger
Round Dance History
      From The "Central
      Missouri" Website
      By Judy Pottinger
Square Dance History
      From The "Central
      Missouri" Website
      By Judy Pottinger

Updated 2/14/11

Printable History  I 


Diamond Jims

The Diamond Jim's Plus club was organized in March of 2005. Our first club dance was March 20, 2005. We dance at the United Methodist Church in Kansas City, Missouri on the third Sunday of each month.

Diamond Jim's is a caller-run club. Gentleman Jim Jefferies is the caller and also the Federation Delegate. There are no club officers as such. Each member purchases their name badge and that indicates his or her membership. Each couple brings refreshment for our food table, but is not obligated to bring at every dance. All members are members of their respective mainstream clubs. There are no officers, no board. The only cost to join our club is the cost of the name badge.

Our dance time is 7:00 - 9:30 PM and a fee of $4.00 per person. We have line dancing between each tip cued by Ardis Jefferies.

Our dances are fun and enjoyable and dancers often comment on how helpful it is to keep sharp on the plus moves. Please put us on your dance calendar, 'you'll be glad you did!'

Jim Jefferies, Caller.

Club No Longer Dancing